Why Blog?

eco_green_carbon_print_iconRight now this web site is getting an increasing number of Blog posts. Considering that almost no one is actually reading the site at the moment, the question must be asked as to why I am actually writing a Blog. The answer actually is sort of obvious. But rather than just provide the answer, I thought it might be useful to ask another question.

Q: Why isn’t anyone visiting the Blog?

And when you think about it, the answer is really self explanatory.

A: Because there is no content

Then we need to ask what a great way to get content is, and that is with a Blog. It allows me to talk about anything related to the business, in as much detail as I wish. Today I am talking about Blogging. Tomorrow I might talk about product development, and next week I might talk about marketing. These writings are quite distinct from anything to do with the product, they are to do with the how of the business.

There is another important reason to Blog. As the company grows, I want new people to be able to look at the blog and learn about the philosophy of the company. That is, I want people to be able to learn what is important from what they read here. It is not just what we do that is important, but how we do things.